The Blue Funk
Psalm 126
A song of ascents.
When the Lord restored the fortunes of Zion,
we were like those who dreamed.
Our mouths were filled with laughter,
our tongues with songs of joy.
Then it was said among the nations,
“The Lord has done great things for them.”
The Lord has done great things for us,
and we are filled with joy.
Restore our fortunes, Lord,
like streams in the Negev.
Those who sow with tears
will reap with songs of joy.
Those who go out weeping,
carrying seed to sow,
will return with songs of joy,
carrying sheaves with them.
Sowing seeds is a joyous occasion. There is nothing sad about sowing seed. It takes no more work than reaping. The days can be beautiful with great excitement of an expectation of your harvest.
Yet in the psalm we read of “sowing in tears.” It says that someone “goes forth weeping, bearing the seed for sowing.” So why are they weeping?
It’s not because sowing is sad, or that sowing is hard. The reason has nothing to do with sowing at all. Sowing is simply the work that has to be done even when there are things in life that upset us and make us cry. The crops won’t wait while we finish our grief or solve all our problems. If we are going to reap a harvest we have to get out in the field and sow the seed whether we are crying or not.
This psalm teaches us the difficult truth that there is work to be done whether we are emotionally up for it or not. It’s not a place of feelings but a place of knowing. Not only that it is necessary but that it is good for me to do it. Suppose you’re in a blue funk and it’s time to sow seed. Do you say, “I can’t sow the field because I’m in a blue funk.” If you do that you won’t reap a harvest. All you will accomplish is a dried up field.
But what if you say to yourself, “Hey you know what I AM in a blue funk. I cry over everything. I cry because someone hurt my feelings. I cry because I have too many things coming at me at once. I cry if the phone and the doorbell ring at the same time. I cry for no reason at all.
But that’s just the way life is. I don't feel like it, but I’m going to sow anyway. I am going to take my bag of seeds and go out in the fields and do my crying while I sow my seeds. I will sow in tears.”
If you do that, the psalm promises you that “you will reap with shouts of joy.” You will “come home with shouts of joy, bringing your sheaves with you.” Not because the tears of sowing produce the joy of reaping, but because the sheer sowing produces the reaping. You have to remember this even when your tears tempt you to give up sowing.
So here’s the lesson: When there are simple, straightforward jobs to be done, and you are full of sadness, and tears are flowing easily, go ahead and do the jobs with tears. Be realistic. Say to your tears: ‘Tears, I feel you. You make me want to quit life. But there are seeds that have to be sown (blogs that have to be written, courses that have to be taught, businesses that have to be started, sermons that need to be preached).
Now, I know you will wet my face several times today, but I have work to do and you will just have to go with me. I intend to take my bag of seeds and sow. If you come along with me then you’ll just have to wet the rows.”
Speak to your tears the word of God, ‘Tears, I know that you will not stay forever. I know that just the fact that I choose to keep doing my work with tears and all, is going to bring me in a harvest of blessing.
So go ahead tears flow all you want to. Even though I don’t feel it—I believe that this simple act of sowing will bring in my sheaves of harvest. And my tears of sorrow will be turned into tears of joy.”
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